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Take Pictures for your eCatalog

When creating pictures for the eCatalog consider the final look. Generally a white background is most effective although a black background can be selected instead. Audio and video clips can be made to accompany each picture. Pictures can be taken with a digital camera or scanned from printed catalogs. For large eCatalogs, pictures can be grouped into sub catalogs and accessed from a master catalog.

Collect all pictures into a single folder for uploading. Any editing, cropping and adjustments should be done in a graphics program before uploading. Pictures can be taken at any size and Cachelan will resize pictures to fit the screen. However, if you use the pictures that came straight from a new megapixel camera without resizing uploading time will be longer. To speed uploading time you can resize the photos manually. To find out how to quickly resize your photos click the 'Help' icon on the menu and proceed to 'Tech Tips' and then continue to 'Pixel Diet - Photo Resizing'.

Pictures are displayed at 480x350 pixels (1.37:1) and normally will be jpeg format although GIF graphic files are also acceptable. If the magnifier is to be used, pictures should have a width/height of up to 1280 pixels to display full screen. To minimize upload time pictures can first be resized to a maximum width/height of 1280 pixels. Once pictures are available with any audio, video or documents, you can begin uploading into the eCatalog. It is easy to make changes so all content does not have to be available to begin creating an eCatalog.

Create a banner with your company logo to appear on each screen. Optimum size is 780 x 60 pixels

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