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Edit Images From the Gallery

After your images have uploaded you can edit them in the gallery. Using the check boxes beside each image and the toolbar below you can customize the look of your image. If you check off the box beside the image you would like to edit you can Delete, Move, or Rotate it. Moving the images will have no effect on their position in the eBrochure and should only be done if you would like to group your images so they are easier to look through. If you click the "Reset Counters" button then the Downloads and Views counter for each image will return to zero.

To edit the image click on the "Edit" button for that particular image. A different window will come up allowing you to give your image a title and caption. This is important because title and caption will show up in your eBrochure and will inform visitors about that image. Make sure the caption you write is clear and gives an informative overview of the part of the product in the photo. Press the "Save" button when you finish any edits on this screen.

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