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Activity Counters

Your Cachelan account provides you with counters that help you track the status of your Webfilm. When you log onto your account click the "WebFilm" tab. The columns will show you how many files you have used, the albums contained in each film, the spaced used, the traffic remaining and the number of days left on the film. The traffic you have remaining is affected by the amount of visitors you have and the size of your files.

Traffic is the quantitative measure of how much activity your albums are generating. Traffic is used up when a visitor comes to your album and looks at an image or file. If the same user looks at an image twice in one sitting, though, it will only count for one view. So if you were to run a slideshow all day it would not use up all your traffic only the first view of an image will use up traffic. Click any of the colomn headers to sort the information by that category.

To view more statistics regarding your WebFilm press the GO button beside the WebFilm which you would like to view followed by pressing the "Status" tab.

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