Back to eCatalog

Review the Steps

Here is a quick overview of the steps involved to create an eCatalog.
1) Take pictures with any image capturing device (camera, camera phone etc.).
2) Transfer these images or photos onto your computer.
3) Upload your images into your cachelan web account. To do this you must go to the gallery and use the browse buttons to select images for uploading.
4) After uploading images create an eCatalog for customers to view. To do this go to the album screen and use the arrows to put images into the eCatalog (don't forget to save).
5) Select the proper settings.
6) Invite customers through email invitations, web links, or by logging onto the cachelan website and typing the name of your eCatalog.Then your customers will view the eCatalog and you can receive feedback and track the number of visits received.

To review any of these steps in more detail go back over their respective pages viewed previously. If you are having trouble click the ? buttons on each page. These will give you a description of all the settings for that screen.

What do I do now?

If you have taken the pictures with your camera and transferred them onto your computer click the Gallery button at the top of your screen to begin uploading.

If you already have images in your Gallery and need to make an eCatalog click the Album button at the top of your screen to get started.

For questions or assistance, send an email to the Cachelan technical team at

Capture, upload to Gallery, arrange into eCatalog and invite visitors. Quickly create and maintain an online presence of changing inventory

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