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eCatalog Settings

Click the Settings tab for a group of customizable settings that allow you to choose the exact way you want your eCatalog to look. Not all the settings apply to the eCatalog format. Click the ? button at the bottom of the screen for a description of each setting. Typical settings for an eCatalog are displayed in the picture below. Copy these settings into your settings tab to get the best results for your eCatalog then experiment to suit your preferences.

Select "SAVE" to save your changes. To view your eCatalog as it will appear to visitors, the View button. Your eCatalog is now visable to the public. If you wish to make changes, go back to previous steps and edit and repeat. All changes appear immediately to viewers on the on the internet.

Typical settings for an eCatalog

1) Images - Enable download of large original and captions to appear
2) Feedback email - put your email address here so visitors can contact you
3) Mode - Select eCatalog so the album will display in this format
4) Run Mode - Set to run automatically as a slideshow with time delay or turn off for manual
5) Choose background color to match the photos. Usually white.
6) If a banner was created and put in the Gallery select it here.
7) A background image can be put in the Gallery and selected here to appear behind the captions.
8) Save changes then view them

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